1. Mr Rosenberg Goes Too Far
2. Patsy and Poppets
3. The Grosvenor Millions
4. Springtime at Saighton
5. A Sight of the Seamy Side
6. War in South Africa
7. With the ‘Real People’
8. Marriage
9. The Squire of Eaton
10. The Disciple of Milner
11. Annus Mirabilis
12. Gertie
13. Tragedy
14. End of a Marriage
15. In the Footsteps of Cecil Rhodes
16. Into Battle
17. Where their Caravans were Resting
18. Bend Or to the Rescue
19. Divorce
20. ‘The Duke wore a dark blue overcoat and bowler hat’
21. The Grosvenor Empire
22. Third Time ... Different
23. The Men of Peace
24. Sunset and Evening Star
Bibliography & Index
e-Book, 210
(Tina Rhea #46)
ISBN 978-1-55497-282-1 $10.00