
So Linked Together
Michael Harrison


    e-Book, 174 pp. (Tina Rhea #14)
    ISBN 978-1-55497-387-3 $10.00


Michael Harrison’s Reported Safe Arrival was one of the outstanding successes of the Autumn 1943 publishing season, and was recommended by the Book Society.

So Linked Together tells the story of the marriage of Tancred Merrion and Geraldine Farr, from its surprising beginning, all through trials and tribulations which cement, rather than weaken, the bonds between these two "so linked together." As one of the book’s characters says : "There is a philosophy of loving, no less than a philosophy of living, and it is not more important to master the former than the latter!"

The hero and heroine of Michael Harrison’s new novel are ordinary people, and their adventures in search of contentment are of the very stuff of common human existence. The heart of every reader will warm to this intensely human story of two young people, which is told with a deep and sympathetic understanding of human nature and with all Mr. Harrison’s charm and skill.