
William Toye: On Canadian Literature
William Toye

After a long career as a leading book editor, William Toye has written this regional introduction to 121 Canadian authors and their works. He covers the Maritimes, Newfoundland, Quebec, and Ontario, describing literary works written by authors both historical and contemporary.

Included is his stylish retirement speech delivered at the end of his career at the Oxford University Press.

Bill Toye worked for the Canadian Arm of The Oxford University Press for 43 years. After he left University in 1948 until he retired in 1991. He has a passion for Canadian Literature -- and he knows what he likes. You will come to understand his point of view -- always reasonable and fair.

Hard Cover, 252p. + index
ISBN 1-55246-620-5 @ $45.00
Trade Paperback, 252p. + index
ISBN 1-55246-621-3 @ $30.00